
Sway's Advent Train 2009

Sway's Advent Train 2009

December the 1st... its time for this year Advent Calendar...
Again i have 24 special Gifts for you,
and i hope you all have fun with the little Advent Train Hunt...
Have a great pre Christmas time...

Sway :)

from December 1st to 24th 2009 - by Sway's Creations

• All over the Sways Creations Sim we hid red and white Candy Canes.
Find the Candy Canes, touch them and you get a NC with a wagon number and a Keyword.

• Go to the Advent Train and touch the wagon with the same number, follow the instructions.

• Example:
its december 1st, search the box with the number 1, go to the Advent Train and touch the wagon #1:
Advent Train Wagon #01: Hello
Advent Train Wagon #01: Key Word #01
Advent Train Wagon #01: type /01 key word
type the password in chat and you get the Advent Gift.

• Please note that you can only get each Advent Train Gift on the right day.
( #1 on Dec 1. - #2 on Dec 2. - #3 on Dec 3. ... )

Sway's Creations

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