

Tsukimi (Moon Viewing) is a Japanese festival to honoring the autumn moon.

Cross Jupiter and Noni Troncon from PLUTO+ made a wonderful place to celebrate the Tsukimi.
You also find here traditional items for this festival and a little gift.

I made two special items for this occasion:

Moon Bunny [Tsukimi]

for decoration in 3 sizes
wearable with holding pose

copy | mesh |  1 Li | 125 L$

Futon & Folding Screen [Tsukimi]

Futon with Blanket
8 single and 5 couple animations
(relax, romantic, kiss and more)
Folding Screen with moon viewing motif

copy | mesh |  futon 2 Li | folding screen 1 Li | 325 L$

Visit this wonderful place and enjoy the full moon

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