
something personal

Today I have another kind of news. It concerns me on a personal level and will influence not only my RL but also my SL.

Some of you are already in the loop and I want to thank you guys for being there for me.
Not only have you been listening to me, giving me strength thereby and encouraging me, you also have thought of something exceptional.

Since I can't contact everybody personally but I think that you should know what's going on, I've chosen this way to tell you.

Some weeks ago I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. With a high probability the tumor is benign. Presumably the surgery will take place on January 28th 2013. Until then I'm gonna try to be online as often as possible but unfortunately I won't be able to work as much as I used to.

After the surgery I'm gonna need some time to recover so I will not be able to work for a few months.
I was discussing the fear of loosing my Sim and Shop with some Friends on Plurk and they surprised me with an incredible plan.
To save SwayLand and Sway's and to help me through this challenging time they have created TFS. Together for Sway

I am overwhelmed and practically speechless about the level of support I have experienced so far.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

♥ Sway

1 comment:

  1. Sway, hopefully this will just be shared with you, if it is you can delete it after you have read it. If not I am sorry for junking up your comments. I wanted to share a Christmas ornament with you that I came across on the St. Judes Children's Hospital Holiday Cheer Tree that seemed like something you would particularly appreciate. I hope the link works to take you directly to it:


    Someone who has been where you are and is still fighting. I hope it gives you hope and cheer in your holiday season.
