
Robots & UFOs

Robots and UFOs for the Fantasy Gacha Carnival

[UFO] Lamp

Funny and colorful UFO lamps
with little aliens beaming up a light bulb.
light on / off by touch
Named after our solar system.
(And yes, I do know that Pluto is not a Planet anymore,
but for me it always will be.)
10 to collect | no rares | 50 L$ per play | 3 Li each



 Adorable Robots, created out of old screws, tin cans and gears.
 8 to collect | 2 rares | 50 L$ per play | 2 Li each
100% original Mesh + Material | modify + transfer  
(animations and scripts - transfer only)
Happy Gacha-ing at The Fantasy Gacha Carnival

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